We believe comics matter.

Nine Panel Project uses the medium of comics to illustrate first-hand experiences with challenges across the social determinants of health. We work with non-profit organizations to produce an anthology comic book filled with diverse, short-form, comics, united by a key theme of interest.

Our vision is to propose an entirely new practice that sits at the intersection of genre and methodology: Graphic Listening. Graphic Listening re-frames the making of comics as a tool that provides critical insight.

The medium of comics allows individuals to express much more nuanced feelings than traditional interviews, focus groups, surveys, or other conventional research methodologies.

Nine Panel Project’s collaborative and short-form approach allows organizations to quickly gain insight around a specific scenario, pain-point, or other experience of interest, directly from the people they aim to serve. We convene a diverse audience of artists, and work with organizations to identify people with powerful experiences relevant to the theme of the book. The result is a beautiful series of intimate glimpses into the mind of the storyteller; an incredible boost of empathy, and a reminder of the importance of the organization’s mission and purpose.

If your organization is interested in partnering with us on a comic book, please reach out to info@verynice.co. We are especially interested in working with organizations focusing on the social determinants of health.